Our History
Harmony Lodge No. 67, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, was formed in 1825. This was during a period of turmoil and growth in our nation’s history, mixed with times of hardship and depression. The War of 1812 had been over for a decade and had left a staggering debt to be paid by the young country. Freemasonry was at this time held in high regard by the public in general. The great majority of the national figures were members and active supporters of the craft and there were at that time 26 Grand Lodges governing over 3,000 constituent lodges having a membership of over 150,000 brethren. At the 1825 annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Connecticut, charters were granted to five new Lodges, including Harmony Lodge in the town of New Canaan. Its inauguration came truly at an auspicious time. In the distance, however, the storm clouds were gathering.
On September 12, 1826 in Batavia New York, one William Morgan disappeared under mysterious circumstances, which have never yet been satisfactorily explained. Morgan had convinced the Lodge in Batavia that he was a Mason, although it is doubtful that he was ever raised in a regular Lodge. He was for a time accepted as a brother and visited Lodges in the area frequently. As a result of a quarrel with some of the brethren, he let be known that he was about to publish a book which would contain the secrets of Masonry. Shortly after this, he vanished from sight. Although he was reported to have been seen later in Canada, the incident was seized upon by the opponents of Masonry to create an anti-Masonic hysteria that very nearly destroyed the good name of the order. An anti-Masonic political party was formed, and a candidate for President of the United States actually received a considerable number of votes from the enemies of the craft and from other sincere but misguided souls. Masonry in New England was particularly hard hit, and Harmony Lodge was no less affected. Referring to the Lodge minutes of those troubled times, we see the meetings held less and less frequently, and the attendance dwindling until the record of the June 13, 1832 meeting shows only the names of eight officers and one brother who attended, and the entry “Entered Apprentice Lodge closed in due form”. We hear no more of Harmony Lodge for 27 years.
Despite the “lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance and the devastations of war, Freemasonry still survives.” In 1859, we see Harmony Lodge with its charter restored entering once more upon its labors.
It is now over 150 years since the working tools were again taken up. During this period, Harmony Lodge has followed the course of human events and gone through its times of prosperity and depression. As we look ahead into the future, it is fitting that we pause for a moment to look back at the past. This backward look is contained in the following “Historical Sketch of Harmony Lodge No. 67, A.F. & A.M.”, which was written and presented at a Past Master’s Night program in 1950, by R.W. Theodore W. Benedict, Past Master of Harmony Lodge and a descendant of one of the petitioners for the Lodge’s original charter, and updated by a variety of Brothers of Harmony Lodge over the succeeding years. Disregarding the “vicissitudes and inclemency of seasons,” it is our earnest hope that Harmony Lodge’s next 185 years will be as fruitful as the last.
In the beginning of the 19th century, when those Homesteaders of Norwalk and Stamford, who for more than 100 years had been steadily advancing northward along our four rivers to Clapboard Hill, White Oak Shade, Ponus’ Path and Haynes Ridge, forming a community known as Canaan Parish, became incorporated as the Township of New Canaan, a group of 28 members of the Craft of Free and Accepted Masons, mostly members of St. John’s Lodge No. 6 of Norwalk and Union Lodge No. 5 of Stamford, petitioned the Grand Lodge of Connecticut to grant them a charter empowering them “to assemble as a legal Lodge to discharge the duties of Masonry in the several degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason in a regular and constitutional manner, according to the ancient form of the fraternity, and the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge.”
The petitioner’s names were as follows:
Richard Fayerweather Stephen Betts Darius St. John Eliphalet Weed Horatio Weed Joseph Watson Thaddeus M. Keeler Caleb Benedict Ebenezer Carter, Jr. John J. Brown Hanford Carter Caleb S. Benedict Rufus Richards Leander Slauson Samuel Carter John F. Raymond Hiram Talmadge Jacob Reed Daniel Bostwick James Stevens Samuel Raymond Isaac Lockwood Anson D. Pennoyer Henry Chambers Samuel Carter, Jr. Eliot F. Raymond Enos H. Weed John Seeley
The Grand Lodge of Connecticut, after due investigation, granted them a charter or warrant, dated May 30, 1825, and appointed Samuel Carter, Jr., the first Master, John Seeley, the first Senior Warden, and Eliphalet Weed, the first Junior Warden, and named the Lodge Harmony 67.
The first meeting recorded was held at the home of James Stevenson on June 6, 1825, and it was voted “to have the Lodge installed on June 22nd, and voted Caleb Benedict, Leander Slauson and Rufus Richards a committee to prepare for the installment.”
The following officers were elected:
Caleb Benedict, Treasurer Horatio Weed, Secretary James Stevens, S.D. Rufus Richards, J.D. Darius St. John, S.S. Caleb S. Benedict, J.S.
It appears by the minutes of June 22nd, that the members met, an Entered Apprentice Lodge was opened in due form, when at the proper hour they repaired to the Meeting House and were installed by the name of Harmony Lodge No. 67, according to the order of the Grand Lodge, by William H. Jones, then Grand Secretary.
The Meeting House stood a little to the southeast of the present Congregational Church. It was the second, which had been erected and it was torn down in 1843 to give place to the present edifice.
At the communication of June 28, 1825, it was voted “that the jewels be made after the pattern of Temple Lodge 65 of Saugatuck” (now Westport). At this communication, Mr. Benjamin Hoyt, the first candidate to receive all the degrees in Harmony Lodge was proposed.
On July 6th, it was voted that “the regular communication of Harmony Lodge shall be on the Monday preceding the full moon each month,” and “that the By-laws of St. John’s Lodge No. 6 shall be the By-laws of Harmony Lodge until further investigation.”
The regular communication of July 25, 1825 was held at the home of Nathan Hanford, where they continued to meet for some time. Mr. Hanford’s house stood on the north side of Brushy Ridge Road, where it makes a sharp turn to the east in the middle of the hill. At the time of our 1,200th communication, this house was still standing, but it has since been torn down.
At the September 26th communication, it was voted “that Joseph Watson, Samuel Carter, Jr., Anson D. Pennoyer and Eliphalet Weed be a committee to know of the town on what conditions they can have a room in the town house,” and on October 10, 1825, it was voted “that the committee shall contract with the town to give them not more than $20.00 a year for 20 years for the upper room of the town house, and the room to be finished within the gallows posts, and to have two windows on a side and arched overhead, with two rooms on the west end.”
This old town house was later converted into a dwelling and for many years served as the Congregational Manse, and it is now (1950) the residence of George C. Ludlow, next to St. Mark’s Church, which had not been erected at that time. Originally, it stood with its end toward the street, with a door in the middle and a window on each side.
One of our old residents who was not a Mason, once laughingly told me that there was a story that a group of curious boys conceived the idea of climbing a tree which stood near the building and looking in upon the mysteries of a Masonic Lodge.
The idea was no sooner born than it was acted upon and one of the boys roosted among the branches and played the cowan. He enjoyed himself hugely until one of the antics of the goat caused him to laugh aloud and he was discovered by those within.
Shocked by the enormity of his offense, he fled and there is no record of his ever having been made a Mason.
About 1830, the effect of the anti-Masonic political movement began to be felt, and the difficulty of holding the Lodge together is plainly shown in the irregularity of the meetings and the meager attendance.
The last communication of the Lodge during the first epoch of its history was held on June 13, 1832, after which the charter was surrendered to the Grand Lodge and the Lodge was dormant until October 26, 1859, when we find a record of a “meeting of the Grand Lodge of the State of Connecticut, M.W. Grand Master Blackman present, and the Grand Secretary Storker, when the following officers were installed in Harmony Lodge:
Caleb S. Benedict, W.M. Andrew Crawford, J.D. L.T. Stevens, J.W. Lewis Richards, S.W. Thomas Turner, Secretary Darius St. John, Treasurer Neahmiah Sherwood, S.D.
Mr. Lucius M. Monroe was proposed for membership, and by permission of the Grand Master he was balloted for and, being elected, he was initiated as Entered Apprentice.”
This meeting was held in the old Benedict Shoe Factory, the upper story of which was built for a Lodge room. It was located on the corner of Elm Street and Main Street, and was known as “Odd Fellows Hall.”
During those troublous times when Masonry in these United States was reviving from the effects of the attacks made upon it by its bitter and unscrupulous enemies, and which have served only to bind us more closely together in the ties of union and fellowship, our Mother Lodge, St. John’s No. 6 of Norwalk, was our mainstay ever ready and willing “to go out of her way it aid and serve us.”
On the minutes of nearly every communication we find the names of brethren of St. John’s Lodge and frequently read of the degrees having been conferred by their officers. At the March 12, 1862 communication it was “voted that we thank the brothers of St. John’s Lodge for their attendance this evening and invite their company at any future meeting.”
Early evidence of the thrift of the brethren is the notation on the minutes in 1864, when the “Treasurer reported that there was $103.00 in the treasury, and it was voted that he be instructed to purchase two $50.00, 3-10 percent interest bearing notes not to exceed par,” and again in 1867, “voted that $200.00 of the funds of the Lodge be invested in 5% - 20s government bonds.”
The first record of a public installation is found on January 8, 1868, when Wor. Bro. F.E. Weed and associate officers were installed in the town hall by Grand S.W. Asa Smith. This town hall had formerly been the Methodist Church and was moved from the present M.E. Church site to a site opposite the old Birdsall House, next to Wor. Bro. H.L. Scofield’s furniture store.
The earliest record of a communication held to attend a funeral is June 14, 1869; the deceased was Bro. Horace Ayres, and it was “decided that we attend the funeral, not as a Lodge but as citizens.” The burial service was read in the Lodge room.
At the December 25, 1872 communication, Bro. Burling D. Purdy offered an amendment to the By-laws changing the meeting night to the first Wednesday of each month from May to October, and the first and third Wednesdays from October to May, which system was in force for over 100 years.
On the minutes of April 15, 1874 appears this humorous notation: “The Secretary being absent, the minutes could not be found. The Master ordered strict search to be made. Search was accordingly made but the minutes could not be found.”
On February 14, 1875, a fire started in a small building used as an oyster bar, two doors south of the Benedicts Shoe Factory. It was a very bad night and there was no fire protection and the fire swept through both the small buildings, as well as the shoe factory. A great deal of heroic work was done in saving the contents of the buildings and on the minutes of the February 17th communication, which was held in the hall of the German Signing Society which was located on Locust Avenue, later familiarly known as the “Morgue” and still later owned and occupied by the Veterans’ Association, we find this entry: “Wor. Bro. F. E. Weed offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: Whereas our regular place was destroyed by fire on the morning of February 14th, and whereas we are indebted to Bros. J.K. Raymond and Norbert Bossa for their heroic conduct in saving our records, charter, jewels and aprons from the general ruin, therefore be it resolved that we tender to them the hearty thanks of Harmony Lodge No. 67.”
The April 7th communication was held in the Good Templar’s Hall, which, at the time of our 1,200th communication, was known as “The Armory,” as it had been used for military drills. The building stood well back from the street and about where the parking space for the First National Bank & Trust Company [NAME NOW?] is located.
In October 1875, the Benedicts had completed a modern three story brick building, steam heated and called fire-proof, the top floor of which was designed for Lodge purposes, and the first meeting of the Lodge was held there on October 6th, with Wor. Bro. E. A. Lapham presiding; and the first degree conferred was that of Fellowcraft upon H. G. Benedict and H. H. Weed with Bro. John Ostrander as S.D.
On January 5, 1881, it was voted that dues of $1.00 per year shall be paid by each member and the first dues collected were from F. M. Hawley, William Wardell, L. M. Monroe and F. A. Kaiser.
The last Charter Member, Bro. F. Raymond, was buried by the Lodge December 22, 1884.
During the year 1908, which was Wor. Bro. Tunney’s term of office as W.M., the Lodge suffered the loss of six members by death, and in solemn commemoration, the beautiful and impressive service of “The Lodge of Sorrow” was conducted in the Lodge room.
The Brothers who had passed on were: Rheinhold Messinger, T. W. Benedict, Martin Glenning, Mason B. Merrill, James J. Angus and William E. Morrell. The acting officers were:
T. W. Benedict, Jr., W.M. George B. Smith, S.W. A. J. Webster, J.W. Thomas Tunney, S.D. H. L. Scofield, J.D. J. Irving Benedict, S.S. F. S. Dawless, J.S. William H. Bertine, Chaplain Rev. J. H. Hoyt, Assoc. Chap. H. C. Turner, Organist
This is the only record of a Lodge of Sorrow having been held in Harmony Lodge.
A highlight in Masonic history in New Canaan was the laying of the corner stone of the Town Hall, which took place on October 2, 1909. The Lodge was congregated by the Wor. Master at 2:00PM, with the Lodge room crowded with members and visitors from many sister Lodges, and called to refreshment for the purpose of attending the special communication of the M.W. Grand Lodge, which was congregated at 2:15PM, by M.W. Grand Master Weston G. Grannis and his associate officers.
A procession was formed, resting on Railroad Avenue (now Elm Street) facing the west in order as follows: Mertz Reed Band; Visiting Brethren from various Lodges; St. John’s No. 6 of Norwalk; Harmony Lodge No. 67; and M.W. Grand Lodge.
The route of the procession was: Railroad Avenue to South Avenue; to Bank Street; countermarch to Church Street; to Main Street; to Town Hall site. The ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the new Town Hall were conducted by the M.W. Grand Lodge upon the invitation of the Town Hall Building Committee, through Rev. Bro. J. Howard Hoyt, who made a short and very impressive address.
At the conclusion of the ceremonies, the procession was reformed and preceded by way of North Main Street to Railroad Avenue; to the Masonic Hall where the Grand Lodge was closed. Refreshments were served in the banquet hall, which occupied the second floor of the building. The articles deposited in the leaden casket in the cornerstone included Masonic and civic mementoes, and are recorded in the minutes of Harmony Lodge of October 2, 1909.
The following year, 1910, also marked a historic event in our history. On March 2nd, Harmony Lodge held its 1,200th communication and the occasion was a gala one. About 125 members and visitors were present; and the Lodge room was decorated with palms and carnations. By special dispensation, the Lodge convened at 7:00P.M. and the Master Mason degree was conferred by a team of Past Masters, as follows:
W. H. Bertine, W.M. E. G. Cunningham, S.W. Wm. Paterson, J.W. E. B. Lawrence, Treasurer T. W. Benedict, Secretary A. M. Doremus, S.D. Wm. A. Reid, J.D. C. B. Fancher, S.S. H. L. Scofield, J.S. F. E. Weed, Marshal Thomas Tunney, Chaplain F. A. Kayser, Sfg. Man.
At the conclusion of the degree work a historical sketch of the Lodge, illustrated by stereopticon slides, was presented by Past Master T. W. Benedict.
In April 1910, we were notified that the owner of the building was preparing to convert it into apartments, and a committee was appointed to confer with the trustees of Wooster Lodge No. 37, I.O.O.F. relative to securing quarters in the Old Fellows’ block on Main Street, which they had recently acquired, and the result was that on May 4, 1910, Harmony Lodge held its first meeting there.
On September 7, 1910, a roll-call of members was held, and each Brother, in responding to his name, gave a few remarks or reminiscences, instead of merely answering “Present.” The members’ names were called in order of seniority and, in responding to his name, Wor. Bro. F. E. Weed presented the Lodge with an enlarged photograph of the laying of the cornerstone of the Town Hall.
Of the 139 members on our roster, 68 responded in person, 10 by letter, and eight by proxy. This was the 1,300th communication of the Lodge.
Several years of very pleasant inter-Lodge visitations intervened about this time, and under the able direction of our late Brother George T. Smith, a Fellowcraft team was developed, which became quite famous for its excellence, not only for the perfection of its degree work, but also for its drill and spelling out of words on the floor. A bank of electric lights was constructed and hung in the East, under the letter G, and by the insertion of a proper key, an illuminated letter corresponding to the one formed by the marching brethren was flashed. This device was later badly damaged when it was used on the 220 volt circuit at Old Well Lodge in South Norwalk during one of our many visitations to sister Lodges.
Our degree team traveled about quite a bit, and many of our sister Lodges reciprocated, notably Mt. Kisco Lodge, who paid us a visit on May 21, 1913 with a delegation of 65 brethren.
On January 19, 1914, R.W. Bro. Theodore W. Benedict, then District Deputy of the First Masonic District of Connecticut, with three Brothers of Harmony Lodge, Thomas Tunney, Edward Rutledge and William H. Barrett, paid an official visit to Jerusalem Lodge No. 49, of Ridgefield, Connecticut, to inspect their work and witness the ceremony of the burning of the mortgage of their Masonic Temple. During the drive home, the conversation of these four Brothers turned to the long hoped for acquisition of a permanent home for Harmony Lodge No. 67.
This subject became a frequently recurring one among this group, and when it was learned that the old deserted “Pleasant Hour Theater, “ formerly the Baptist Church, was for sale, the feeling crystallized into action, for it presented an alluring prospect with its historic and sacred background.
On December 7, 1916, undismayed by the difficulties and uncertainties of the project, a group of 15 members of the Lodge: W.H. Bertine, W.H. Barrett, T.W. Benedict, F.W. Ruscoe, Alex McKendrick, Edw. Rutledge, F.S. Dawless, A.J. Webster, W.D. Hoffecker, E.A. Burdett, G.G. Bertine, C.E. Dartt, T.F. Rae, Thomas Tunney and E.B. Lawrence, met and organized the Harmony Fellowcraft Club of New Canaan, Conn., Inc., underwrote the necessary funds, and authorized their president, W.H. Bertine, to negotiate for the purchase of the property.
On the minutes of December 20, 1916, we find the following: “Wor. Bro. W.H. Bertine then addressed the Lodge stating that an association had been formed and incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut as The Harmony Fellowcraft Club of New Canaan, Conn., Inc.; officers had been elected, By-laws adopted, and arrangements concluded for the purchase of the Pleasant Hour Theater with the view to converting it into a Masonic Temple for Harmony Lodge. That non-interest bearing stock would be issued in varying denominations to be retired as fast as possible by the dues and other receipts of the F.C. Club and he cordially invited every member of Harmony Lodge to become a member.” Each of the 15 members of the investigating committee subscribed $100.00 for a down payment on the property.
“The Secretary made a financial report of the Club, stating that at the present time 37 members were enrolled and $3,350.00 had been raised in pledges, donations, etc. He also described the building, its situation, condition and the proposed alterations.
“Bro. Dawless spoke upon the advantages of a home of our own, and was followed by Past Master Tunney, Wor. Bro. Saxe and Bro. F.W. Ruscoe.”
It would be impossible to describe, in a sketch such as this, the enthusiasm of the Brethren of Harmony Lodge in this new venture. After the close of the Lodge, the brothers went to the old theater and actually began the work of clearing out the interior.
Originally, the Church was one-half the size of the present building, the rear portion having been built in 1908 when it was remodeled by a group of public spirited men for the “Boys’ Club,” which after several years languished and the property was sold to the New Canaan Reading and Circulating Library Corporation, who in turn sold it to Bro. George T. Smith, who resold it to Mr. F.E. Green, and in 1913, it was converted into a moving picture theater. Patrons entering through a small vestibule found themselves in a long narrow room with a sloping floor, rather flimsily built, and it was this false flooring that the Brothers of Harmony Lodge attacked with great gusto on that first visit after the close of the Lodge. Someone made the suggestion that we pull up the floor and eager hands ripped up the boards which were “Heaved Over” through an aperture into the unfinished area under the rear portion of the building. It was a “lark” and the job was pretty well finished that first night.
Remodeling of the building was begun immediately under the supervision of Bro. William A. Boring, a member of Harmony Lodge and an architect of national repute, whose services were rendered gratis, and the reconstruction of the front of the building was given as a memorial to Wor. Bro. L.M. Monroe, and his son, Lucius M. Monroe, Jr.
The interest in our project extended beyond the Craft, and gifts and assistance came from many unexpected quarters: Mr. F.E. Green, from whom we purchased the property, made us a liberal cash allowance on the purchase price; Mr. Hanford S. Weed attended to the legal matters in connection with the transfer of the property gratuitously; Mr. John G. Thatcher, who resided opposite the Temple, where Dr. Corry lived in what is now known as “The Vine Cottage”, watched us work with great interest, and volunteered to present us with an alter in memory of his Brother, Philo A. Thatcher, who had been a member of Harmony Lodge; and a great deal of our furniture was given to us as memorials to deceased Brothers, by relatives who, in many cases, were not Masons.
The articles of incorporation of The Harmony Fellowcraft Club were prepared and the legal complications attended to for us by Most Worshipful Bro. Frank L. Wilder, who was then Grand Junior Deacon. To Bro. Wilder we owe a great debt of gratitude for this and other freely given counsel.
The Temple was completed and dedicated on May 23, 1917, and on the preceding evening, we had a “Ladies Night” which was attended by nearly 300 guests, and the entire building was open for inspection.
The Lodge room was decorated with apple blossoms, and viewed from the balcony presented a delightful scene. A program of professional entertainment was followed by a historical sketch of the Lodge by Wor. Bro. William H. Bertine, after which the rug was rolled up and dancing was enjoyed until “loe twelve.”
The ceremonies of dedication were conducted by Grand Master L.J. Nickerson and his associate officers, the Grand Lodge having been previously opened in the upstairs room at 3:30P.M. There were about 175 present.
Congratulatory addresses followed the ceremonies, and Wor. Bro. Bertine’s historical sketch was again read, after which the Brothers adjourned to Raymond’s Hall where the ladies had prepared a fine dinner at 6:00P.M.
The Lodge was again convened at 7:30P.M., and the Master Mason degree was conferred upon Bro. Lucius M. Monroe. The raising of Brother Monroe was a historic repetition as it will be remembered that it was his father, Wor. Bro. L.M. Monroe, Sr., who was the first candidate initiated in 1859 when Harmony Lodge held its first communication after taking up its charter after the Morgan excitement.
It is impossible to record the history of Harmony Lodge without encroaching upon the history of The Fellowcraft Club, as the two are closely interwoven, but the latter is a complete story by itself for future telling. Suffice it to say here that it was deemed expedient to merge the memberships, and in 1924 this was done by mutual agreement and all members of Harmony Lodge automatically became members of The Harmony Fellowcraft Club, which system has continued in force up to the present time.
On May 30, 1925, a special communication of Harmony Lodge was held to commemorate our 100th anniversary. The Lodge was congregated at 3:00P.M. and was given over to a roll call of the members, the Brothers responding with short addresses and reminiscences. An interesting feature on the minutes of this communication is a chart containing the original signatures of the Brethren present -- 142 in all.
Souvenir programs were presented to those present and mailed to those who were unable to come. The program contained a photograph of our charter; a resume of the historical events of the Lodge; a memorial page to our departed Brothers; a photograph of our Masonic Temple; a list of the incorporators of The Harmony Fellowcraft Club; a description of the Club and its activities; a roster of the Lodge for 1825 and 1925; and a roster of the Past Masters of Harmony Lodge.
In the evening, the Brothers and Sisters of Acacia Chapter No. 90, O.E.S., met at Raymond’s Hall, where they were entertained by six professional entertainers, after which a bountiful collation was served.
Through the troublous years of war and depression, Harmony Lodge suffered with all the others, but there have been no internal rifts or dissensions, and a fine spirit of loyalty and cooperation is evidenced in the records, such as the following in 1931: “Resolved that a hearty vote of thanks be expended to Wor. Bro. H.L. Scofield for his splendid gift of a complete set of officers’ aprons,” and again: “A door knocker was presented and installed by Wor. Bro. N. Wendell Carman.”
The year 1954 cannot pass unnoticed, however, for two noteworthy events in the Lodge’s history transpired. In January of that year, the mortgage on the Temple was paid in full, and four of the original members who had subscribed to its purchase in 1916 were present at the mortgage-burning ceremonies.
In October 1954, negotiations were begun which culminated in a three-way trade, whereby the Methodist Church of New Canaan purchased the Veterans’ Club property on South Avenue, the Veterans’ Club purchased the Masonic Temple, and Harmony Fellowcraft Club purchased the Methodist Church building on the corner of Church Street and South Main Street for the use as a Masonic Temple.
The Church building was ideally suited for Lodge purposes, and the necessary conversion work was done for the most part by the Brothers of the Lodge. The new Temple was dedicated by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut on October 19, 1957, with Grand Master Conrad C. Hahn in attendance.
A conspicuous feature over the years is the consistently high average attendance of Past Masters on the communications of the Lodge. This is undoubtedly accounted for by the fact that the officers of the Lodge have steadily adhered to the policy of keeping the Past Masters busy by giving them individual, as well as collective jobs to do, and the records indicate that they have responded splendidly.
Harmony Lodge has been honored by the appointment from its membership to various positions in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, namely:
District Deputies - Theodore W. Benedict Jr. (1914, 1915 & 1916); Harold G. Wilser (1939 & 1940); John C. Sturges (1965 & 1966); Ralph W. Smith (1976); Roland H. Gardner Sr. (1981 & 1982); Roland H. Gardner Jr. (1991 & 1992); Charles A. McCollum (2013 & 2014).
Associate Grand Marshals - John Nickerson (1965 & 1966); James L. Wilson (1981 & 1982); Raymond P. Guthke (1991 & 1992); Michael Sabia (2015 & 2016); Max Briones (2017 & 2018); Theodore Thomas (present)
Grand Historian - Andrew R. Melillo (2019 - present).
Grand Master - John C. Sturges (1981); Roland H. Gardner Sr. (1990).